" Student"🧑🎓
"Writing" ✏️
"Language" 🗣️
"Presentation" 📊
"Brainstorming" 🧠
A new star in the firmament of education blazed across the horizon in 1989 when Vyasa Vidyalaya in Puzhuthivakkam was established by our Chairman and Senior Principal Dr.S.Velladurai Pandian and Mrs. V. Vellathai. The historic first step on the journey towards excellence was taken with 242 students and 12 staff members and today the school has 2051 students and 106 staff members. As the school grew, the need to extend its branches arose and thus emerged Vyasa Arts and Science College for women in Subramaniyapuram, Tirunelveli District. It is taken care by our beloved Chairman and Senior Principal.
Dr.S.Velladurai Pandian, the Correspondent, served in the Indian Army for a few years before he started his own business. It was for the sake of his wife that he started the school. His Army background has made him a strict disciplinarian. He strongly believes that discipline is education.
Our strongest bastion is our Senior Principal Mrs.V.Vellathai, B.Sc., M.A., M.Ed., D.S.M., D.E.A., Her thorough attention to minute details and many years of teaching experience adds vigour to the institution. She has grown from being a primary school teacher to becoming the Co-Founder and Senior Principal of her own school and the Managing Director of our College “Vyasa Arts and Science Womens College” Tirunelveli. She has to her credit many awards and acknowledgements, by the State. She is known for her kindness, patience, determination, dedication, perfection, punctuality, talent, dynamism, proficiency in the arts and the list is never ending…. Under her able administration, school has thrived and thus emerged Vyasa- marching into 37th year

Years completed
Pass Percentage
Number of students

“Vitality Wisdom Victory” is the formula for success. We believe that every successful person must have these qualities and it forms the crux of philosophy.
It's indeed a privilege in addressing you, yet another year
has passed and we have crossed some more mile stones. At every step, we had the support and motivation provided by our confident parents, dedicated teachers and committed students. Today Vyasa is growing from strength to strength with ethical professional practices and is recognized as a reputed name in education. In all these years of experience we learnt it very simple, yet a very significant lesson. The need of the society is like an ocean and service we render are mere drops. So we are now determined to add as many drops as possible to the ocean.
Today our vision is set on raising the status of Vyasa to a university by establishing more schools, colleges in the State. The task is as arduous and the path is grueling but we have two things going on for us. One is the Almighty’s blessing and other the society’s unstinted support.
Thank you May God bless you !

Sacrifice and suffering can actually be a good thing when it is done for the good of the family.

It’s our parents Dr. S. Velladurai Pandian and Mrs. V. Vellathai who had these for the growth of VYASA. With so much of belief, our parents have entrusted us to look after this great institution. First and foremost we pray the Almighty to bless our parents with long and healthy life.
Thirty six years of spectacular success! We at Vyasa are fully aware of the fact that the road to success is always under construction. We strongly believe that education is not accumulation of facts but unraveling of ideas in our way.
We successfully transform every idea into reality. The quality of education offered at our premises is truly an enjoyable, exciting and wholesome experience for our students alike. It’s no wonder that we have earned a place of pride among the top Educational Institutions in Chennai District. We assure you that every step your ward takes will be a learning experience urging him / her that the sky is the limit!